Australian Slang Words compared to United States Words

Here is a Guest Post from my Aussie Friend Grant Woodward, Enjoy.

I was speaking with an awesome friend from Naples, Florida ( Nicole Flothe in fact)  on skype the other day and a few words or phrases popped up (arose in conversation) that we had a laugh at because of the difference in phrases between ozzies and usa’ies. Thought I would share a few .

Aussie                          USA

Ice block                       popcycle
Knackered                     tired
Jetty                             dock
Bottlo                            drugstore
Bushwalking                  trek in the woods
Ankle biter                     young kids
Amber fluid                    beer
Schooey                       schooner glass 425ml
Arvo                              afternoon
‘avago                           to have a go at doing something
Out the back o burke      a long way from wherever you are
A barney                       an argument
Call it a day                   finish up work
Dogs eye                      meat pie
Dead horse                    tomato sauce
 Zebra Crossing            Pedestrian Crosswalk
For heaps more aussie jargon try

Grant Woodward
Abundant Constructions
Mob: 0411 228 475
Fax: (02) 8544 8155
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